During the past decades, we have become more conscious when travelling. We more and more think about the impact on nature, society and culture when we visit foreign places and communities. What is the best way to leave a positive footprint? How can I combine my leisure travels with a substantial contribution to the country, city or village I travel to? These are some of the questions the traveller asks and which we should ask ourselves as well.

Lufthansa City Center has started a cooperation with the Lufthansa Group supported organization called help alliance. Help alliance works together with local partners to create perspectives for children, teenagers and young adults worldwide. In order to enable them to lead self-determined and independent lives, the projects focus on education and vocational training as well as on promoting income-generating measures.

How can we support these projects? The answer is: through Community Based Tourism. Community based tourism is tourism in which local residents (often rural, poor and economically marginalised) invite tourists to visit their communities with the provision of overnight accommodation. The residents earn income as land managers, entrepreneurs, service and produce providers, and employees.

The aim of CBT is directly benefiting local communities financially, while travellers experience local way of life. Communities that participate in community-based tourism are strong, resilient and ready to show travellers their culture (source: the Good Institure)

As travellers are seeking more and more authentic experiences that create benefits locally - travel with purpose - community based tourism  is a developing niche segment. Thanks to LCCs structure of locally owned, well rooted agencies, authenticity and true local eperiences are the heartpiece of our business.

Journeys Nambia Lufthansa City Center is one of our first LCC in the network specialised in community based tourism. "Tourism with heart" is their mission, as they strongly believe in the conservation of nature along with employment and support to the local community. Based in Klein Windhoek, Namibia,  all focus is set to eco-tourism and community development.  

4 out of  6 properties in their portfolio are community or conservancy driven, 3 belong 100% to the #Khoadi//Hoas Conservancy, which was the first community-based conservancy to request registrazion in Namibia. Today it supports the community with projects such as building clinics, schools, water points and a community kitchen for the elderly and vulnerable people.


Grootberg Lodge - Community Based Tourism
Welcome to LCC Journeys Namibia’s flagship lodge, the first middle market establishment to be wholly owned by a conservancy. For the initial development the European Union funded the project through the Ministry of Environment and Tourism’s Development Programme. At the same time, the private sector was called in to provide the training and management skills until the local community becomes self-sustainable. Your hosts at Grootberg Lodge are members of the rural community, trained by Journeys Namibia to deliver excellent service for international guests in a home-away-from-home atmosphere. Eco-tourism is the main focus at Grootberg Lodge with members of the local community ensuring your stay is filled with golden memories. Become immersed in nature as you encounter some of the larger inhabitants of this unique biosphere. Through active conservation, desert elephant, rhino and even lion still roam freely in this beautiful landscape.

We at LCC Journey Namibia have the vision to promote a sustainable tourism industry by forging sound partnerships with likeminded individuals who value the same conservation aspirations as we do and who share our passion for the land and its inhabitants.


Our vision is to  create an harmony for planet, people and wildlife. Conservation is our passion and it is the way forward for tourism in our home country Namibia!