Discover the REAL Singapore on our Historical Singapore route.

Visit a typical residential town and watch the people go about their daily lives. Check out a market frequented by locals. Eat like a Singaporean; sample local snacks and drinks at a ‘coffeeshop’. See old and new HDB (public housing), as well as multi-million dollar riverfront ones.

We meander alongside the Singapore River – where trade brought life to the sleepy village town in the 1800s. See historically important landmarks, such as a 100-year old fire station, museums, and places of worship. Of course we’ll pay homage to the statue of Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles, founder of modern Singapore.

Learn how the 2nd World War affected Singapore and see monuments in honour of the many who suffered. Understand the melting pot of people from all over the world living here.

Fast forward to the present and be awed by the ultra modern business district. Be right in the action as we cycle right along part of the Formula 1 route (sorry the bikes can’t go 300km/h though).

What are you waiting for? Join us to Discover Singapore the RIDE way!

Safety Alert!
Using unlicensed operators and/or tourist guides may compromise the terms of your travel insurance in the event of a claim.
Let’s Go is a licensed travel agency (TA License 02829) by the Singapore Tourism Board.

A licensed TA displays their license number prominently on their website, has proper insurance coverage, a business office and uses licensed guides.
Travel safe. Only use licensed operators and guides.

Citystate Travel
+65 6389 7888
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